Untitled design (10)


Say cheese. 

Announcing the chance to have your 10-minute portrait made by the local artist behind Tyler Darling at our Tidbits Twinkle Market THIS Sun, Nov 6. Line up to pose, or bring a picture on your phone, for Tyler to make a keepsake portrait that makes a memorable gift—prices start at $30 and singles, groups and pets are welcome. Please note portrait-making will only be available from 3-5 p.m. 

It’s a sketch in the right direction.


Your $5 ticket comes with a cider. Join us to shop 50 locally female-owned brands Sun, Nov 6. Advance tickets only—no walk-ups.

Tidbits Twinkle Market | Sun, Nov 6 M-K-T in the Heights | 600 N. Shepherd (near Ray-Ban, look for the balloons)

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