Meet the newest venture from from MML Hospitality – La Embajada, a retail shop dedicated to mid-modern and contemporary design from Mexico.
You love to gather inspiration from all corners of the map.
Fall in love with every nook and cranny at La Embajada. Nestled in a 1920s Craftsman-style house in Clarksville, the expertly-edited shop showcases handmade goods from Mexican artists and designers. The scene is set up in two spaces: La Casa (a gallery of mid-century and contemporary design from Mexico) and La Miscelanea (a Mexican general store featuring a range of neighborhood wares). From furniture, glassware, ceramics and textiles, to the robes and slippers hanging in the closets, everything is for sale.
There’s nothing about this atlas to be shrugged.
La Embajada
607 Blanco St.
Austin, TX 78703
Photo: @claygrier